
Partnering with you to meet your health needs...

Our Programs

Our quarterly wellness retreats and health missions are a great way to unwind, reconnect, and connect with other like-minded people.

At BIX Homes & Wellness, our retreats enable people to get away from the responsibilities, stresses, and hassles of their daily lives. By removing them from their daily routines, we provide the atmosphere for the mind and body to recharge.

We are firm believers in the body’s own power to heal and rejuvenate itself. Furthermore, the backbone of our practice is our holistic approach to healing which incorporates the best practices of both eastern and western philosophies. For this reason, we structure our retreats and health missions to promote both mental and physical well-being. We believe that you cannot properly heal one without the other.

These getaways are the perfect opportunity to nourish your body and soul while trying to achieve a life balance that you will take with you when you leave. During this time, you will work with our trained professionals to learn about healthy, self-care behaviors that will bring positive, lasting change to your lifestyle.

Take charge of your health emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Please contact us at 570-664-2455 to inquire about our current and upcoming programs.