Intimacy Wellness

We are a one stop family centered medical health and wellness center.

Intimacy Wellness and Sexual Dysfunction

Treatment for sexual dysfunction and intimacy wellness:

  • In spite of the high incidence of sexual dysfunction among both men and women, few people inquire about treatment because of embarrassment or the idea that such life changes are inevitable. Fortunately, most types of sexual dysfunction can be treated successfully by correcting an underlying psychological or physical difficulty.
  • Our approach is to find ways to naturally empower you in the process of promoting health and preventative self-care behaviors to enhance your sexual health, well-being, and quality of life. In addition to medication, our treatment recognizes other aspects of your health such as nutrition and psychological lifestyle changes that can impact your sexual health.
  • While these types of medical conditions can have profound effects on both your physical and emotional well-being, our trusted and caring professionals have the experience and training to handle all your intimate wellness needs. At BIX Homes & Wellness, we embrace a holistic approach that looks at your physical, emotional, spiritual and social health in order to treat the root cause of an intimacy problem.